Jahrgang 9 auf Studienfahrt in London: 26March- 31March 2023

Our first study trip to a foreign place has started. With the help of our organizing teachers, Mrs. Pohle-Hahn, Mrs. Zager and Mr. Matthies. Including a huge thanks to Daniel Jahn (our bus driver for most of the time) and the go-prisma company for making this opportunity possible.
The very first day was exhausting. The long bus ride, 19hrs, kept everyone having a pretty big lack of sleep. Even after the bus ride we had a ship to go onto, although that woke lots of people up. The ship was quite small, even though some students found it big, due to it being their first time on that transporting vehicle. A new experience for some. When we arrived it was quite the nice weather. I myself was hyped up by then, simply because I always wanted to go to London. As we arrived to the targeted location, we drove to a place called „Greenwich Park“. Including that we took a tour on this boat around London’s most famous sights, it was fascinating. On that evening we met our host families that took care of us. My family was so nice! A woman took care of me and my friends, she also has two kids who, unfortunately, didn’t want to talk to us. The reason behind that being that they’re just too shy. Also, she had two pets; one black cat, Tom and a black dog, Buddy (who wanted to take away our food on the first day). The next day was chill. We played cricket (which I personally enjoyed a lot). We didn’t do much on that day though, we only played cricket and the rest of the day we spent on a short walking tour through Windsor and enjoyed some free time. On Wednesday we went on a guided tour through London with Paul, the guide, where we visited the Science Museum in the afternoon. The whole museum was basically a maze in which you could get lost in, unless you had a map. There were lots and lots of different things you could look at and even interact with. There were stations where you could play a game with your friend, it was fun if you would’ve asked me. It was very crowded in some places though, that’s why I didn’t get a chance to really take a look at everything, but it was still very interesting. Last but not least: Thursday. In the morning we had to gather our things together to take it to the bus. But that didn’t stop us from visiting one last place, the Tower of London on Tower Hill with the famous Crown Jewels – awesome. They are extraordinarily beautiful. Alongside that, we took a look at different towers including the bloody tower (which my classmates were very excited to see). It was an interesting last sight to see in London. And that’s how we came across the very last thing we did in London. We took the tubes to go from one place to another. Me and my friends visited the King‘s Cross Station to take a look at the Harry Potter shop as true fans of the movies (we bought lots of things including Hermione Granger‘s wand). We then drove to China Town to check out how pretty it was, and indeed it was very beautiful. Just like in the pictures. And that concludes our trip to London while we now are driving back to our homeplace.

(von Anastasija Pancenko für das Team)

Fest der deutschen Sprache für Jahrgang 9

Am 13.03.2023 fand für die Jahrgangsstufe 9 das Fest der deutschen Sprache statt. Die Teilnehmer konnten in einem kleinen Wettkampf ihr Können unter Beweis stellen. Es gab zahlreiche Teilnehmer und schlussendlich belegte die Klasse 9.1 den 3. Platz, dicht gefolgt von der 9.2 mit dem 2. Platz und die Klasse 9.7 erreichte mit 147 von 163 möglichen Punkten den 1. Platz. Sie gewannen 4 kleine Geschenktütchen und eine Torte.

Wir bedanken uns für Eure Mitarbeit und hoffen, dass es Euch genauso viel Spaß gemacht hat wie uns. Außerdem bedanken wir uns bei der Schule, welche sich bereit erklärt hat, die Torte und die Geschenktütchen zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Alyssa, Emily und Anna (D LK 12)

+ + + Verteidigung der Facharbeiten im Jahrgang 9 + + +

Facharbeiten: Veränderte Unterrichte am 22.03.2023

Am 22.03.2023 (Mittwoch) verteidigen die neunten Klassen ihre Facharbeiten.
186 Schülerinnen und Schüler präsentieren in bewerteten Vorträgen die Ergebnisse ihrer Forschungsarbeiten.
Hierfür wird eine Vielzahl an prüfenden Lehrkräften und Räumen benötigt.
Der Unterricht findet am 22.03.2023 wie folgt statt:

Klassen 7-10:      kein Präsenzunterricht; Aufgaben werden durch die Lehrkräfte erteilt.

Klasse 8.3:           Projekt in der Schule

Jahrgang 9:         Verteidigung der Facharbeiten in der Schule nach Plan

Klassen 11-13:    Unterricht und Klausuren nach Plan

+++ Geänderter Stundenplan +++ Freitag, 8.4.2022 +++

Verteidigung Facharbeiten

Am Freitag (8.4.2022) verteidigen die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 9. Klasse ihre Facharbeiten. Zu dieser mündlichen Prüfung  wird ein Großteil des Kollegiums benötigt. Daher gilt für Freitag folgender Stundenplan:

Jahrgang 7: Home-Office (Aufgaben werden im Unterricht oder über die Cloud erteilt)
– Jahrgang 8: Home-Office (Aufgaben werden im Unterricht oder über die Cloud erteilt)
Jahrgang 9: Verteidigung der Facharbeiten nach Plan
Jahrgang 10: Home-Office (Aufgaben werden im Unterricht oder über die Cloud erteilt)

Jahrgang 11: 1. Stunde – 5. Stunde Unterricht
– Jahrgang 12: 3. Stunde + 4. Stunde Klausur im Fach Deutsch
– Jahrgang 13: 1. Stunde + 2. Stunde Zeugnisausgabe und Belehrungen

alle außer Jahrgang 11: 1. Stunde
Jahrgang 11: 6. Stunde