Talsand and Frankenstein?
Am 18.2. 2016 besuchten die 11ten Klassen unserer Schule eine etwas andere Theateraufführung: Frankenstein, The Monster and the Myth in englischer Sprache, eine Geschichte um einen ambitionierten jungen Wissenschaftler, der einen Menschen aus Leichenteilen erschafft und damit viele Probleme provoziert.
Hier einige Meinungen der Schüler, die die Gelegenheit hatten, die American Drama Company zu erleben.
„The arrangements on stage looked like a movie scene.“( Rene K. and Julian S.)
“It is an exciting story” (Theresa R. and Pia P., Lukas S., Josh S.)
“The play was very interesting and we could really understand the story” (Anna F. and Alina S.)
“We have never seen a play like this before. We liked the way the four actors played the different scenes.”(Vivien H.)
“The overall impression is positive, but sometimes the music was too loud. I have never seen a play like this and was very impressed.”(Danilo R.)
“In our opinion this piece of art was amazing especially the actor of the monster. He acted very powerfully and filled with strong emotions”(Andrea W. and Jennifer R.)
“The plot was very interesting …we liked the effects of sound and lights…. our favourite character was Igor, who acted in a funny way.”(unknown)
„In my opinion it is a good play, the story is sad and scary and simultaneously sometimes really funny.”(Julia M., Bella M., Sandra S.)
“We really recommend the play for other students.”(Medin J., Niclas M.)